At the University of Stuttgart there are many activities, both by students and employees, that are working towards a more sustainable university. Since it is not always easy to keep track of them, we will briefly present a few of these activities on this page.
Sustainability Weeks
For several years now, sustainability days have been organized in the summer with a variety of events to put sustainability at the center of university life. In the meantime, the sustainability days have developed into joint sustainability weeks at universities in Baden-Württemberg, from which more and more student initiatives from other federal states are also drawing inspiration.
The Sustainability Weeks @ Universities BaWü are organized by numerous student groups, including the Student Council of the University of Stuttgart (stuvus).
Further information:

Freshers’ academy on sustainability
The First Semester Academy ” zukunftsfähig” (“fit for the future”) is an offer to all first-year students to deal with sustainability already at the beginning of their studies. For the first time, this took place in parallel at 5 universities in Baden-Württemberg, including the University of Stuttgart, at the end of October 2020.
Further information (German only):

CampUS hoch i
The Vaihingen university campus shall become climate-neutral! The real laboratory “CampUS hoch i” wants to find intelligent ways to achieve this.
As of the end of 2020, the project is in the final application phase within the framework of the MWK competition “Reallabor Klima”. Assuming the project is accepted, it will be possible to take important steps towards climate neutrality in the next few years.
stuvus as well as several university groups have pledged their support (→letter of support from stuvus (German only) | →letter of support from several university groups (German only)).
Further information (German only):

MobiLab: Mobility Living Lab
The University of Stuttgart is focusing on an emission-free campus as a research and innovation lab. The university aims to become climate-neutral by 2035.
With MobiLab, the University of Stuttgart is pursuing the following goals:
- Climate-neutral mobility at the University of Stuttgart (by 2035).
- Pioneer for low-emission mobility in practice and research.
- Attractive Campus Vaihingen with high quality of stay.
- Further development of the Vaihingen campus.
Further information (German only):

Erasmus+ goes Green
In the course of the European Green Deal, the European Commission has placed the orientation of the Erasmus+ program for the years 2021-2027 under the motto “Erasmus goes Green”. During this period, Erasmus+ will focus more on the issue of sustainability. There are several approaches to make Erasmus exchanges more sustainable:
- Determine carbon footprint
- Promote greater awareness of climate and environment
- Support projects that address sustainability issues
Further Information (German only):