What is stuvus?

What is stuvus?

stuvus stand for “students union university of Stuttgart”.

We stand up for your interests in matters of studying and teaching! We are the contact person for all questions and problems of the students and try to enrich the studies at the University of Stuttgart with our many projects.

So, on the one hand, we are a representation such as the staff council in a company. In this area, we deal a lot with the studies itself. For example, what should the optimal examination period look like (would it be better to do everything in 2 weeks or spread it out over the lecture-free period)? Which modules are particularly important in a degree programme or need to be reorganised? This area means a lot of work in the committees of the university and with those responsible at the university.

Our second big area concerns above all the social life around the studies. Since every student spends a lot of time at the university, it should not only be a “workplace”, but also provide opportunities for leisure activities. With our many working groups and departments, we try to provide the right offer for everyone. From CampusBeach to MitMachGarten, we already have some possibilities, but there’s always a bit more 😉

So feel free to come to us with your ideas! We are always happy to welcome new faces and projects.
And we definitely don’t miss out on the fun either, after all we’re only students 😉

How is stuvus structured?

How is stuvus built?

First of all, we divide ourselves into a central unit and decentralised units.
The decentralised ones are the specialist groups. They deal with all topics related to a degree programme and form our backbone, as they are closest to us students. You can find your departmental group here: Subject Groups


Centrally, the student representation is divided into a legislative and executive part. Our “Bundestag” is the Students’ Parliament and thus decides on the fundamental issues and positions of us. But the student senate representation and the so-called student councils are also built into our structure via the student parliament.
The Board of Directors with its departments and working groups“run” the day-to-day business. They form our government, so to speak. Our units deal with overarching issues such as public relations and the working groups deal with specific issues (e.g. running a bicycle workshop).

To make the structure a little clearer, we have created an Organigram. Hopefully, this makes the structure a little clearer.

However, we don’t want to leave our legal status completely out of it. The student council is a public corporation and is based on § 65 LHG. We are therefore a state institution, but with our own budget.
The stuvus is financed by all students. We all pay a contribution every semester, which also includes a small part for stuvus. Currently, this is 10 €.

To fulfil our tasks, projects and duties, we also employ 3 full-time staff. You can find more about our office here.


What can and should stuvus do?

How is stuvus structured?

We are a separate public corporation (KdöR) and thus an independent organisation with legal capacity. It is represented externally by the chairperson of the board. By the way, all students at the University of Stuttgart are automatically members of the student council.
So we are allowed to manage and spend our money ourselves. We are allowed to take positions on university policy and enact statutes. But we are also allowed to implement projects and set up businesses (e.g. frei[raum], kopier[laedle]).

For those who would like to know more, we recommend a look at § 65 of the State University Act.