Student Parliament

What is the Student Parliament?
The student parliament (StuPa) is the legislative branch of the student council. It’s comprised of 29 members: 13 directly elected student members, 6 student-senate members and the chairpersons of the 10 student body representatives. A list of the actual members can be found here.

What does the Student Parliament do?

The StuPa makes fundamental decisions that affect stuvus and control the executive board. For example, the elections for the executive board and the head of the department, as well as working group leaders, are carried out by the parliament. Statutes, regulations and budgets are voted on, and general requests (proposals to be discussed and decided on by the StuPa) are processed. The StuPa also decides on unsettled issues within the stuvus.

The stuvus board conducts its business as per decisions met by the StuPa.

Who can make proposals to the Student Parliament?
All students retain the right to deliver discussion proposals to StuPa no later than 6 days before a session. For inexperienced students, it is advised that they consult the committee beforehand.

Where can I find more information?
In our Announcements you can find all resolutions and protocols of the student parliament. You can access the current meeting documents here. Please note: The page can only be accessed after logging in with a st- or stuvus-account.

But the best thing is to just drop by! All students are welcome to attend the StuPa meetings. You can find the next meeting date below.

If you want to stay informed about the activities of the StuPa, you can also subscribe to our mailing list:

Contact the student parliament

Impressions from our meetings
Meeting dates

The dates listed here have been decided provisionally. A date only becomes binding when the invitation to the meeting is sent out. Regular meetings start at 14:30.

February 2025
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