Warm invitation to the student assembly
Dear students,
On Wednesday, 07.02.2024 from 16:00 in lecture hall M 2.01 on the Stadtmitte campus, a student assembly will take place on the topic of a “fully solidary semester ticket”. Our goal as stuvus is to represent your interests in the best possible way. As the “full solidarity semester ticket” will have a major impact on many of you, it is particularly important for us to get into conversation with you. Please note, that the assembly will mainly be hold in German.
What exactly is this about? All student representatives have currently received an offer from the German federal government for a “fully solidarity-based semester ticket”. This proposes increasing the current semester contribution by 60% of the respective price of the Deutschlandticket – currently €49 per month, i.e. €176.40 per semester. In return, all students would receive a Deutschlandticket, which would allow them to use public transport throughout Germany. This decision applies to all students at a university. Before stuvus makes a decision for everyone, we would like to offer you the opportunity to talk to us and give you a space for your opinions, comments and suggestions.
There is also a survey (stuvus.de/ticket-umfrage, Questions unfortunately only in German) on this very topic. It consists of just a few questions and can be completed in under a minute. We would be happy if you would take part in this survey.
Further down you can find various background information. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments.
You can help us plan the student assembly by registering with the Executive Board at praesidium@stuvus.uni-stuttgart.de.

Further information
Background information on the “semester ticket in the full solidarity model”
Where does the offer to the student representatives come from?
We were informed about the “Deutschlandticket Studi” offer at the end of November 2023 after an exchange with a parliamentary group of the Baden-Württemberg state parliament together with other student representatives. We were sent the draft resolution of the “Sub-working group on fare development of the Coordination Council for the Deutschlandticket of the Conference of Transport Ministers [of the Federal Government]”. You can find this letter here.
What other ticket models are there?
To evaluate the benefits of the “Deutschlandticket Studi”, it is useful to know the alternatives currently available. We have summarised these for you here.
What are the legal restrictions?
The legal situation regarding the implementation of a student ticket in the full solidarity model is highly complex. We are currently uncertain whether it will prove possible to implement the student ticket in the full solidarity model. As a starting point for further research, you can find individual excerpts from the State Higher Education Act and the State Budget Code here.
Further information relating to the meeting
Keep checking back at stuvus.de/student-assembly to stay up to date.
You are also welcome to inform your friends, student groups and fellow students about this assembly. The more students are present, the more likely it is that all aspects will be discussed and the better our decision will be.
Please note, that the assembly will mainly be hold in German.
You can help us a lot with the planning if you register with the Executive Board at praesidium@stuvus.uni-stuttgart.de as soon as possible. This is the only way we can ensure sufficient capacity.