
Pfaffenwaldring 5c 70569 Stuttgart


26 Jul 2022


14:00 - 15:30

Workshop: gender-sensitive language

Dear interested parties,
We cordially invite you to our small interactive workshop on gender-sensitive language. Together with you, we would like to look at the many variants of gender-sensitive language, take a brief look at the background and the discussions about gender-sensitive language, and also address the question of what research actually says about gendering.  It is important for us to take a differentiated and constructive perspective and to give space for different opinions on gendering. Together with you, we would like to consider what role gender-sensitive language can play in everyday student and academic life. We would like to conclude our workshop with an outlook on sensitive communication in other diversity dimensions as well.

Manuela Schlummer-Held (Service Gender Consulting) and Anna-Maria Wenzel-Elben (Language Centre)


You still haven’t decided whether gendering is gaga or cool? You see a * or : here and there, but no one has really explained to you when, how and where you can use these signs yourself? Then you’ve come to the right place! In the worshop on gender-sensitive language we want to look at the various applications, backgrounds, the state of research on gendering and constructively discuss the different opinions.
We are looking forward to an exciting exchange with you, Manuela Schlummer-Held and Anna -Maria Wenzel-Elben! So come along on 26 July at 2 p.m. in V5.03.
