

26 Oct 2023



UB Protest

Scientific work needs scientific sources! With a reading room at the UB Stadtmitte closed for the next few years and the cancellation of online licences for literature, academic work is not that easy. And because we don’t want to accept this, we are going to protest.

Be there! On Thursday, 26 October, the protest will begin in the Stadtgarten at 1:30 pm. At 1:45 pm, we will march to the responsible ministries.

With our demo we demand:

1. The renovation backlog at the university buildings must be cleared and especially the renovation of the university library Stadtmitte must start soon.

2. More money must reach the university library in order to be able to finance literature in the long run.

3. Cost-cutting measures must under no circumstances restrict and burden students more than other groups.

With every person who takes part in the protest, we show how important our concern is. For this reason, we would be happy if many members of the university, but of course also other people who use the university library, take part in the protest.
