


11 Okt. 2024


16:00 - 18:30


English speaking event,
Soziales Event,

LAGORI Tournament (The game of seven stones)

Let’s all get together for an amazing traditional fun filled team sport.

Lagori is a team sport that originated in Southeastern part of Asia. The sport is played only at a recreational level, a popular playground game. The sport goes buy many names, including Pittu Garam (meaning 7 stones).

Who can participate:
Anyone who is interested in having fun and spending a fun filled evening with all the exciting people from the university.

— Deutsche Version —

Lasst uns gemeinsam einen coolen traditionellen Mannschaftssport betreiben, der viel Spaß macht.

Lagori ist eine Mannschaftssportart, die ihren Ursprung im südöstlichen Teil Asiens hat. Der Sport wird nur als Freizeitsport betrieben und ist ein beliebtes Spiel auf dem Spielplatz. Der Sport trägt viele Namen, darunter Pittu Garam (7 Steine).

Wer kann teilnehmen?
Jeder, der Lust hat, Spaß zu haben und einen unterhaltsamen Abend mit Kommiliton*innen zu verbringen.

Die Veranstaltung wird auf Englisch geleitet, aber sicherlich kann im Zweifelsfall auch jemand übersetzten!


More detailed explanation:

Lagori is played between two teams, with a minimum of 3 players and a maximum of nine on each team, using seven stones and a small ball. Each team gets nine chances, 3 players taking 3 chances each, to knock down the stones that are stacked vertically, from a distance of about 20ft using the ball. If one team is unable to knock down the stones the other team gets the chance to throw.

In the first half of the game, if the throwing team knocks down the stones, the objective of the team is to stack all the seven stones back. The objective of the defensive team is to strike all the players of the throwing team with the ball, below knee level. Players on the defensive team are not allowed to run with the ball and have to pass between players to move the ball.
If the offensive team successfully stacks the stones first, the team receives a point. If the defensive team is able to strike all the players first below the knee, the defensive team gets a point.

At half-time, The defensive and Throwing teams now exchange the roles in the second half of the game.

Each half constitutes a duration of 4 mins.

At full-time, if both the teams have a score of 1, a tie breaker round for 2 minutes will be held.


Basic Rules:
5 players per team. It is fine if you are alone or a group of 2-3. We will allocate you to team onspot.

Duration of each game: 10 minutes per game. Total Number of games depends on how many people register for the tournament.

Tournament type: Knockouts (if your team loses a game you are out of the tournament)

1) It’s okay if you didn’t understand how the game is supposed to be played. We will have a person teaching everyone on how to play the game before the actual game starts.

2) The games are played using a soft ball made of sponge like material to ensure safety of all the players.

