March Student Parliament

On Wednesday, 16 March, the 90th session of the student parliament will take place from 2:30 pm. The meeting will take place digitally. In addition to various reports, the questioning of the executive board and individual elections, there are also two motions.

The first motion deals with an amendment to the guide for trips. This guideline regulates the reimbursement of travel costs by private car in connection with or for the fulfilment of Stuvus-related tasks. The proposal is that journeys with a trailer will be reimbursed at an additional 10 ct/km. The previous 2 ct/km per additional person travelling is to be dropped with the amendment. To take into account the sharp increase in fuel prices, the reimbursement for journeys should be 30 ct/km instead of 25 ct/km.

The second motion deals with a change in the guidelines for conferences and excursions. Here, the stuvus allowance is to be increased because inflation has caused prices for heating, fuel and food – and thus also the costs for holding working weekends – to rise sharply. You can find the specific amounts to be adjusted in the proposal in the stuvus wiki.

We cordially invite all students to attend the StuPa meeting and participate in the discussions. You are also welcome to ask questions to the board and the candidates. If you are thinking about running in the next elections, it makes sense to attend (at least) one StuPa meeting beforehand.