Exam phase in the summer term and study rooms

The exam period of the summer semester is slowly approaching. You may have already written your first decentralised exams. In the meantime, most of the central examination dates have been set. The central examination period ends at the end of September, so hopefully you will have some time to catch your breath before the new semester starts.

It is important to note that the withdrawal period of 7 days unfortunately applies again during this examination phase. This means that you can easily withdraw via C@mpus at least 7 days before your exam.

If you are looking for a quiet place to study for your exams, we recommend the UB, the Universum, the Aquarium and the study rooms in the Haus der Studierenden and in the former CampusGuest (Universitätsstraße 34) on the Vaihingen campus. In the city centre, you can study in the university library, the institute libraries and in the foyers.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you good luck with your exams!